Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Divorce and Remarriage

This week in class we talked about divorce and blended families. Some of the predictors for divorce are because people haven’t seen a healthy marriage and they recreate patterns they saw, and cohabitation. Dating is one big protector for successful marriages. The divorce rate is going up every year. After people get remarried, especially when there are children involved, there are many struggles. 70% of people, two years after getting remarried feel like it was a mistake. After people are divorced, 70% of men are remarried within two years. Women are less likely to marry as quickly after a divorce. One study showed that when children are 12 at the time of divorce the father lives an average of 400 miles away. It also showed that by that age children don’t want to be around their father as much.
 Blended families can be hard work. After a remarriage it takes around two years for the family to get used to the changes. One reason for this is because after two years of different traditions within a family they are starting to get used to them. 
I have seen this in my life. My parents are divorced and both parents are remarried. I lived with my mom and stepdad at home. I love my stepdad but the first few years of them being married were difficult to get used to. Once we learned how to work together and become one family, things got much better. Of course there are still problems occasionally, but that is so with any family blended or not. 

This is me with my little brother, mom, and stepdad! 

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Classmate's Blogs

Kenna Adams http://theadventuresofkennaandmike.blogspot.com/

Sarah Allison http://sarahs1st.blogspot.com/

Abby Andersen http://familyrelations160byui.blogspot.com/

Kimberly Nicole Anderson http://and12045.blogspot.com

Samantha Anderson http://mostimportantunit.blogspot.com/

Sariah Andrews http://sariahandrews.blogspot.com

Kimberly Ann Barker http://94kimfamily.wordpress.com

Lauren Bean http://bean9.blogspot.com

Jessi Bessert http://jessisfamilyrelations.blogspot.com

Danielle Bingham http://makemeagoodone.blogspot.com

Rachel Bloom http://familyinsights.weebly.com

Diana Cludleigh http://dianalynnechudleigh.blogspot.com

Kiley Crump http://kileycrump.weebly.com

Brichelle Cummings http://brichelle013.blogspot.com

Kayla Dale http://kaylanicoledale.blogspot.com

Sidney Davis http://familyrelationsandme.blogspot.com

Andrea Deschler http://andreadeschler.weebly.com

Monica Diaz http://monicafamily160blog.weebly.com

Britt Dickson http://pearlsofwisdom-britt.blogspot.com

Lauren Dunn http://thelifelongquest.blogspot.com

Whitney Dupaix http://weresodifferent.weebly.com

Samantha Gile http://samanthafamily160.blogspot.com

Brittany Green http://tommy-and-brittany.blogspot.com

Melisse Hagman http://melisseann.blogspot.com

Hilaree Hampton http://hilareehampton.blogspot.com

Vanessa Hannan http://vanessa.hannanhaven.com

Julie Harrison http://thatonecontagioussmile.blogspot.com

Joanna Harvey http://alwayshappyjoanna.blogspot.com

Sydney Holt http://www.byuifamilyrelations.blogspot.com

Jessica Huff http://jessicasfouryears.blogspot.com

Karissa Hughes http://karissam1992.blogspot.com

Emily Hung http://emilyhunghung.blogspot.com

Jolinda Jackman http://jolindalea.wordpress.com

Aaron Jencks http://jencksmarriageandfamily.blogspot.com

Arianna Jenkins http://gagirlsthoughts.blogspot.com

Ashley Jonson http://asheejo.blogspot.com

Andrea Jorgensen http://familyrelationsandrea.blogspot.com

Jennifer Kendall http://jensaysohanameansfamily.blogspot.com

Chandra Khan http://chandrafamily160.blogspot.com

Kiah Kidd http://kiahsfamilyrelations.blogspot.com

Sean Kiewra http://kiewra.wordpress.com

Aubrey Krogh http://aubreykrogh.blogspot.com

Erin Leavitt http://loveerinleav.blogspot.com

Bria Lebeau http://briasbestblog.blogspot.com

Vincent Lionetti http://vincentfamily160.blogspot.com

Elizabeth Lyles http://elyles1.blogspot.com

Christie Mabry http://christinasherree.blogspot.com

Jessica Mahler http://jessicamahler.blogspot.com

Megan Maine http://megsfirstbloggy.blogspot.com

Cassie Maughan http://cassmaughan.blogspot.com

Jennifer McClellan http://jennifermcclellan.blogspot.com

Andrew Mossman http://andrewsfam160blog.blogspot.com

Shae Muns http://blakeandshae12.blogspot.com

Jackie Murphy http://jaclynnmarie.blogspot.com/

Kevin Murphy http://kevinmurphyfamilyrelations.blogspot.com

Isaac Nelson http://isaacjn.blogspot.com

Ashley Nichols http://anick93.blogspot.com

Tori Patterson http://toripatterson.blogspot.com

Nicki Perez http://nickiperez.blogspot.com

Brittanee Peterson http://somethingwittyandbrilliant.blogspot.com

Katie Pettingill http://demandingjourney.blogspot.com

Alannah Purdie http://alannahllama62.blogspot.com

Derek Rawson http://www.derekrawson.blogspot.com

Alyssa Reed http://byuifaml.blogspot.com

Sarah Roy http://sarahroyfamily106.blogspot.com

Cassandra Scalzi http://marriageandthefam.blogspot.com

Carla Selfridge http://cpearlblog.blogspot.com

Alema Seu http://almaleeseu.blogspot.com

Sherrie Short http://whenlifetivesyoulemons.blogspot.com

McKenzie Shuman http://ballroomshus.blogspot.com

Kylie Simpson http://kyliesimpsonfaml160.blogspot.com

Hannah Smith http://hrsmithfamily.blogspot.com

Pomaika’ilan Stanfield http://celestial--hawaiian.blogspot.com

Stephanie Tello http://stephtello.blogspot.com

Alysa Thatcher http://alysathatcher.blogspot.com

Joelle Vance http://joellevance.weebly.com

Allison Von Gunten http://allisonvongunten.blogspot.com

Sam Walton http://samsoninskoo.blogspot.com

Aubrey Wood http://happytobetime.blogspot.com